Gap Year Visionary Program

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Let's Make Your Big Ideas a Reality

Calling all visionaries, creators, entrepreneurs, and leaders. It's time to make your most ambitions dreams a reality in a learning experience unlike any other.    

Personal Development

Students develop the confidence in themselves and traction on their ideas in 77 personal development workshops in the first trimester of Divergent U.

Business Development

Every Divergent U student is guided through the Infinite Business Model in 77 business development workshops to turn any idea into a profitable business.

Leadership Development

Every Divergent U graduate is taught how to scale their business, hire a team, and speak on stages in 77 leadership development workshops.

How Orlando Visionaries Earn $107k+ at Divergent U

Download our free E-Book today to learn the details of what we teach at Divergent U and how it's helped students transform their lives. Your ideas can become a reality! Download the E-Book to find out exactly how.

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Program Overview

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Start Date: September 23rd, 2024
End Date: June 21st, 2025

Weekly Student Schedule:

Monday - 1 Live Workshop & 1 Coaching Session 
Tuesday - 2 Live Workshops 
Wednesday - 1 Live Workshop & Peer Co-Working Session 
Thursday - 2 Live Workshops 
Friday - 1 Live Workshop & Peer Co-Working Session

Students Receive:

- 77 Personal Development Workshops
- 77 Business Development Workshops
- 77 Leadership Development Workshops 
- 33 One on One Coaching Sessions
- 99 Peer Co-Working Sessions
- 1 Graduation Speech on Stage with Video
- 1 Vendor Booth at Graduation
- Divergent Leadership Certificate

All workshops and coaching sessions take place in person at our campus in Orlando, Florida. We do NOT offer any online classes.  

Fall Trimester - Personal Development

Over these 3 months students develop their critical thinking, communication, and personal discipline to maintain habits and achieve self made goals. The three courses for this trimester are Divergent Thinking, Emotional Balance, and Healthy Habits. Each course includes multiple workshops per week with 12 or less students as well as weekly one on one coaching sessions with the instructor for each class.


Key Dates

Orientation: Saturday, September 21st 2024 
Fall Courses Start: Monday, September 23rd 2024 

Weekly Calendar:
Monday - Divergent Thinking  
Tuesday - Emotional Balance & Healthy Habits
Wednesday - Divergent Thinking 
Thursday - Emotional Balance & Healthy Habits
Friday - Divergent Thinking 

Thanksgiving Break: November 25th - November 30th
Fall Courses End: Friday, December 13th 2024 

Winter Trimester - Business Development

Over these 3 months students develop their entrepreneurial skills to start a business, price an offer, and close a sale using the Infinite Business Model. The three courses for this trimester are CEO Mindset, Brand Building, and Sales Training. Each course includes multiple workshops per week with 11 or less students as well as weekly one on one sessions instructors and community mentors.

Key Dates

Winter Courses Start: Monday, January 6th 2025 

Weekly Calendar:
Monday - CEO Mindset 
Tuesday - Brand Building & Sales Training 
Wednesday - CEO Mindset 
Thursday - Brand Building & Sales Training 
Friday - CEO Mindset 

Winter Courses End: Friday, March 21st 2025
Spring Break: March 22nd - March 30th 

Spring Trimester - Leadership Development

Over these 3 months students develop their leadership skills to create a financial plan for their future, hire team members for their business, and speak on stage. The three courses for this trimester are Divergent Leadership, Financial Freedom, and Public Speaking. Each course includes multiple workshops per week with 11 or less students as well as weekly one on one sessions with instructors.

Key Dates

Spring Courses Start: Monday, March 31st 2025

Weekly Calendar:
Monday - Divergent Leadership 
Tuesday - Financial Freedom & Public Speaking 
Wednesday - Divergent Leadership 
Thursday - Financial Freedom & Public Speaking
Friday - Divergent Leadership  

No Classes: May 12th - May 16th
Spring Courses End: Friday, June 20th 2025 

Divergent X Graduation: Saturday, June 21st 2025 

Individualized Teaching Model

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No Standardized Tests

All workshops and coaching sessions are personalized to each student

Experiential Classes

12 or less students per workshop and many open discussions

One on One Coaching

Weekly sessions with mentors to achieve individualized goals

Divergent X - Graduation Ceremony

On June 21st, 2025 we'll host a graduation ceremony called Divergent X. At this event graduates give speeches on stage and every student has a vendor booth set up for their professional brand or business. Families, friends, alumni, investors, and community members come together to celebrate the achievements of all the graduates. All students have the opportunity to make sales for their brand or business.   

Graduates Receive: 

  • 5-7 Minute Speech on Stage with Video 
  • Vendor Booth for their Professional Brand
  • Divergent Leadership Certificate 
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